Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How to Prep for a Decorating Event!

I know that many of you ladies out there have either decorated for an event, whether it be a child's birthday party or a huge banquet, or maybe you have helped coordinate one or even were just "along for the ride" and helped someone else pull off an event off. Whatever your involvement, you may find it easier to have a set of rules and criteria in place to help you get through all of the details. I came up with a quick and easy guideline to help even the most unorganized and/or clueless individuals get the ball rolling on a project.

So here is a little saying I came up with to get myself motivated and read ready for action:
"When planning an event and you want to prevent,
the stress and worry from being in a hurry,
for an experience that will last, don't fret have a BLAST!"

Okay so the saying is a bit cheesy but the word "BLAST" is the key word here. This acronym holds the answers to making your projects a breeze. Let me break it down for you...

B is for Budget.
You have to know your boundaries when it comes to funding. The amount of money you can spend on an event or project really determines the direction you take with it. With less funding you might have to be more creative and even spend more man hours "copying" more expensive ideas by doing your own homemade decorations. With more money at your disposal, the sky is the limit when buying decorations and you can spend less man hours on searching for cheaper alternatives to your original get the idea. You need to have a very clear understanding of what the budget is so that you don't end up fronting the bill because you overspent when there was not clear communication between those involved.

L is Location.
Again this is a key component to know your boundaries and limitations when it comes to planning. There are many places that this event could take place. What if it were held the winter!?! This is definitely something you should know. What if the event were held in a venue the size of a closet that looks like a time capsule from the 70's? This would be very important information to have. Always make sure to view your venue before-hand. If you cannot physically visit it, then have someone take pictures and email them to you. If you are not familiar with your venue it is even a good idea to put a rough sketch of the lay-out on paper. It doesn't have to be fancy, just another tool to help you design your event.

A is for Audience
Who is in your audience and how many will be in your audience? These are important questions that you need answers to. You will have to plan things differently for a crowd of 100 compared to a crowd of 10 so you really need to have a good estimate on how many will be there, especially when it comes to seating. The number of people is not the only thing you need to take into consideration. What about the age groups? Will this be a couples event? maybe an elderly event? or an all-female event? Will there be kids there? You will definitely need to know what genre to cater to. You would want to have a family/ kid friendly environment for a Family Christmas banquet, whereas a couples only Valentine's Dinner would have a more intimate atmosphere.

S is for Style
Something that can easily be forgotten when planning an event but yet is so important to include in your preparation, is knowing the likes, dislikes and styles of either the attendees and/or the guest of honor or knowing a requested theme. You need to know color schemes, what the parties involved would love to see at the event, what they don't want to see at the event. Or maybe there is a certain feeling or atmosphere that they want to invoke. You wouldn't want to do something that has a rustic, casual look for someone who wants the feel of modern up-town...and are not designing for are designing for someone else; Someone who might not have the same likes or dislikes as you. You need to really listen to what your client wants. A happy client will make for a successful event!

T is for Time Frame
You have to know how much time you have to prepare. This could make or break your plans. If you have an elaborate set-up planned that includes time-consuming custom decorations, you will need enough time to execute this plan. If you find you are short on time, you will need to have a back-up plan, that includes rearranging and adjusting your original plan. Try to be realistic about what you can do in the time frame that is allotted for planning, prepping and executing your event. The most important thing to remember is to be flexible! More often than not, you will have to alter your course of action so be ready to go with the flow.

For those who aren't sure where to start with a plan, I really feel like this is a simple set of rules to follow. Not only will they help you plan your event, without a doubt you can execute that plan successfully! Ladies, I would love for you to add any ideas and input to this post. Let me know what you think! I hope this inspires you to take on a project that you never thought you could and that not only will you take it on, you will execute it beautifully. Keep me posted on your many decorating success stories in the New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Shannon! Let me know if I can get any of these things to you for my baby shower! :)
